
Are you struggling to manage your weight? Read on to see if my knowledge, successes and failures can help you. Please comment and pass along to anyone who you think could benefit from this Blog. Be Healthy!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Small Steps

Two things here:

1) Don't try to conquer all diet and activity demons in one battle.  Pick one thing and get a habit and then tackle another. 

2)Literally taking small steps and adding more activity or more intense activity will add up.

Don't try to overhaul your life.  Having large expectations tends to increase the risk of failure, but worse stopping your new habits.

We can do this.  Small improvements add to large successes! 226.4

Monday, November 18, 2013

Getting the Momentum Started

I had a good weekend.  Bought groceries to begin to prepare food, and so far so good.  It has only been a couple of days, but my weight is down and I am feeling energized about the process.  There is no reason to wait until after the holidays.  I am going to do what I can now and then deal with the holidays as they come.


Saturday, November 16, 2013

Struggling for Consistency

I have lost the switch.  Never be so confident that a relapse cannot happen to you.  Always be diligent and protect your victories as they can erode at any particular time.

-the enemy

The above, among others, could be your undoing.  Stay alert.  I miss the days when it wasn't a struggle to chose.  Now I cannot find the switch to turn on!


Sunday, October 13, 2013

Searching Balance

While lecturing this week, I was speaking about nutrition and discussing with the class about balance.  It's important to balance calories, food groups, nutrients, fuel sources, acid/base balance, etc.  It can be overwhelming.  Inevitably, someone will ask, "how am I supposed to do it all correctly?". 

Honestly, the easy answer is if we eat like we are supposed to, then it usually works out.  Don't eat so much processed food, decrease the simple sugars and bad fats, prepare most of your food yourself, don't eat for the wrong reason, eat a variety of foods, consume more fruits, veggies, and whole grains...stuff we know we are supposed to do.

After all of that, balance is also needed in life.  Balance between family, work, health, play, church, self, and whatever else you deem important.  Without that balance, life gets 'wonky' and stress leads to a relapse of old habits.

So get out the scale and find balance in life for a better chance of weight loss success and happiness!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

It's About Time

New research suggests that the old way of doing things is, well old.  The new thought is that you don't have to do lower intense activity longer - at least 10 mins.  Instead, you can do higher intensity movements for a couple minutes at a time and benefit your weight loss or management. 

That being said, the research doesn't suggest that the cardiorespiratory system still benefits.  Be sure to take care of the heart and lungs as well.


Thursday, September 5, 2013

New Research about All Calories Being Equal

There is new research that muddies the waters of common thought.  It had been long suggested that breakfast is a very important part of monitoring daily caloric intake.  Originally, it was thought that skipping breakfast would keep the metabolism (engine that burns calories) slow and make us so hungry that we over consumed at lunch.  New research suggests that neither is as big of a deal as we thought.  If your not hungry, don't force yourself to eat.

I think that they could be only answering part of the question.  If we over consume at any meal, we store.  So if breakfast is 500 calories and lunch is 700 calories but someone only eats 1000 calories at lunch...Don't they save calories?

The quick answer is yes, but what about the storage of the extra 300 calories consumed at lunch.  Beyond what we need the body will store calories as fat.  My understanding is that stored fat is one of the last type of calories to be used.  Our bodies tend to be selfish with them. 

For weight management, it would never make sense to add to our storage.  We are continually trying to "unstore"! Whatever you do or don't do for breakfast, don't over-consume for lunch.


Saturday, August 31, 2013

Tough Times call for Tougher Resolve

So many different things going on right now for me.  Most of them negative or at a minimum stressful.

Tomorrow is the beginning of a new week, a new month and for many a new semester.  Beginnings can bring stress and stress can bring poor coping habits.

New can also help establish a line in the sand to help us walk away from the past and old choices and attitudes.  A fresh start with no failures or troubling acts.  I can do this!

This new time can also lend a helping hand with a consistent schedule.  No more vacays or visiting family to distract us and tempt us.  Now we can focus and prioritize!


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Traps Everywhere

Car trips, family gatherings, work conferences, date night (if I remember correctly), all have food in common...or at least they do for me.  And they all wreck havoc on weight management plans.

Even having a plan sometimes is not good enough.  That being said, a plan can still benefit you.  Being food from home will make it less likely that you will consume "food traps" like office donuts.

If you make it all about will power, there is a greater than zero chance that you find failure or at least a heaping helping of calories.

Watch out for traps this week! 217.0

Monday, August 5, 2013

Tough Trip

On Saturday, I was in a car for 9+ hours.  It turned into a 6+ hour snacking frenzy.  My weight is up a little, but I didn't weigh today.  I have my kids in town and I am working on being a good model for them.  Hopefully, I can plan and fix good food choices for us.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Upcoming Challenges

The next week or so will be a little crazy.  A very busy schedule followed by hosting my kids.  It will have all kinds of traps for bad eating and unhealthy choices.  No excuses though...I am admitting that I know it's coming.  Now what will I do about it?

When you have social events or stressful times ahead plan out meals and activities in order to keep up with your healthy habits.  Also, have a conversation with company or others to let them know your expectations of yourself.  It will increase accountability and help them understand why you are choosing what you are choosing!


Monday, July 29, 2013

Be Consistent, Not Perfect

I have talked about it before.  Don't focus on perfection, it will lead to unattainable goals.  You have to plan for everyday life to be a part of your timeline.  For many of us, weight loss is a desire because we have trouble with a busy life.  Why would you expect that you can create the perfect schedule with no hiccups or stressors?

It is these happenings that tend to lead to failure.  We have a set back and now we are off schedule or we feel like we have already let ourselves down because of lack of willpower or committment.

Don't start that vicious cycle.  Plan a slow and consistent schedule of better eating and more activity.  Longterm, it is these weight loss techniques that have the best adherence anyway.  We can do it!


Friday, July 26, 2013

Sleep is Crucial

There are lots of reasons to get a good night's rest.  The fact is that most of us shave time off of our sleep schedule to fit other things in.  We think that because we can be functional the next day, four or five hours of sleep will be fine. 

Unfortunately, this is not the case.  Hormones and blood chemistry are all taking a toll if we don't get the shut eye we need.  So take a look at our schedule and see what you can do to find balance and restore rest and recovery as a priortity.


Thursday, July 25, 2013

Slowly...Hopefully Surely

Another good day down.  I had pizza, but it was planned and controlled.  Other than that, feeling good about the journey.  Losing about a half a pound a day!  It all counts!


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Today is a New Choice

With a pantry and fridge full of choices, the past couple of days has been easier.  I feel like I am in control of my choices!  I really feel good about where I am.  There is a long way to go and much more to do, but I am feeling good!


Monday, July 22, 2013

Finally I'm Prepared

It has been a long while since I have had a full kitchen of food and cooked said food for upcoming meals.  I prepared 25 meals, including breakfast and have them stored and ready to eat for the upcoming two weeks.

Weight went down over the weekend and now I am ready to move forward!


Friday, July 19, 2013

I've Had Enough

I hate feeling this way! But for how long and at with how much consistency?

My stomach hurts...I feel gross...I am lethargic...I don't look how I want to...I am disappointed.

I hope I can remember this feeling.  Today was a good day as I was fed up with the constant excuses and results of those excuses.  I know I can do better and feel better.  I want that, so I packed 3 meals and headed off to work for a 13 hr shift.

Now, I got to sleep in and still had time to prepare food so all of that helps, but I had a good day...And I like the way it feels.  Hopefully tomorrow I will have the same frame of mind or I can focus and do it anyway.


Monday, July 15, 2013

Trying to Find Desire...More Desire

I want to lose weight.  I want to be healthier.  I want to look different.  I want to feel different.  The list could easily go on.  Yet when it is time to choose a meal, I am choosing something less than healthy.  I am struggling to want my list for the long term more than the meal or choice in the short term. 

What is the reason for this myopic decision making?  I must find out! 221.6

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Continue On

Based on our definition for failure, today I must continue on.  I made a poor choice for dinner.  I knew what I was doing and I did it anyway.

Now what?  Stop trying...give in for the rest of the weekend...Nope!

Today is an opportunity for new choices!


Friday, July 5, 2013

What if I fail?

Defining failure is a difficult and deary task.  Many of us that are trying to manage our weight have had ups and downs.  We have probably all seen some degree of success, even if temporary.  But when is it that we actually fail.

Today, I had a past client email me a reply from an email that I sent more than a month ago.  Her main reason for the delay is that she wanted to find or create some positive news before contacting me.  I have felt that way.  After losing weight in the past and then regaining it, I ignored friends and social opportunities so as not to dissappoint those who had previously cheered on my victory.

Silly really.  But human nature I suppose.  If you are searching for accountability, you won't find it hiding from those who love and care for you. 

My beard is a symbol that I am not where I want to be, but I have not quit.  For quitting is failure!


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Committment is Key

Having a successful result is highly related to a commited plan.  My committment is no fast food for 6 months.  Till the end of the year...

Besides the fact that the food choices are calorically dense, its the convenience of stopping in and gettting something.  I will be ok with a sandwich or will even allow pizza, but not fast food.

The point isn't to stop eating fries per se.  Instead, it is adding an extra meal at the end of a day or changing my plan to include Taco Bell instead of what I brought from home.

I did this last year and found that it was very helpful in weight managment.  It's not for the rest of my life, just 6 months.  What committment will you make?

Finally got my scale back...221.4 unfortunately I think the Earth's gravity has changed.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Balance and Focus Won't Come Knocking

You've got to create it.  Fight for it.  And then live it.

I feel as if I have been waiting for life to come find me where I am.  And it clearly hasn't happened that way.  I am going to have to go and get what I what.  With a busy schedule and a fuller social calendar, I really need to go and claim what I need.

Another day, or week, or even a month can pass before I'm "ready".  I need to be proactive and make time for myself with preparing food, sleeping well, being active and spending more time with God.

I crave balance and need focus, but just saying it obviously is not enough!


Thursday, May 30, 2013

Finding Priority

Taught about it today.

Priority is so important when finding balance and creating new habits.  Doing something new for one day won't do it.  I must create a healthy habit.  Unhealthy habits can happen by accident, it's what is easy to do.  It's easy to sit too long.  It's easy to overeat.  It's easy to forget where the gym it!

We must have intent to create something positive in our lives.  It can be done, but there will need to be committment and focus.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Long Time No Read

For anyone that reads my blog, I am sorry for the unplanned time away. 

How do you think I was doing in the mean time?  Schedule got really full and not making wellness a priority!  I struggle with this wellness thing, day in and day out. Good news is my weight hasn't changed dramatically.

I will see you soon 216.8

Monday, April 1, 2013

Who's the Fool

Life sure can get in the way!

It has been one month and one day since my last post.  In the mean time, there has been a move and spring break.  The move included a lot of time with out a stocked kitchen or refridgerator.  Spring break had vacation eating.

I don't even have my scale out to see how things are going.  But today has been a relatively good day.  I'm trying the find the wagon so that I can jump back on!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

You Have to Eat to Lose Weight

Twice this week I have been told by a friend or client that they are monitoring calories to a very low level.  Eating only 1000 calories or so a day.

That is not the way to lose weight long-term.  If you make your body think that food is scarce and psuedo-starve yourself, the result will be a depressed metabolism.  That means that your body is slowing down the motor in order not to starve.

Studies suggest that an adult should eat 1200 or 1500 calories daily, for adult women and men respectively.

Don't race to the finish line.  Getting there will be just as meaningful in the longterm, but with much better chances of staying there!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Diet Sodas...0 Calories, So What's the Problem?

I have heard people make fun of individuals who go get fast food and order a diet coke.  I guess their point is that if your already fat and ordering a fast food meal, then screw the diet coke.

Well on the basis of calories alone, it makes great sense to cut where you can.  If you eat 5 fast food meals a week and do drink a regular soda (let's say 32 oz.) then that would equate to around 400 calories per serving (without a refill).  Obviously multiplying that out would be 2000 calories per week.  Drinking that much soda a year would then be 104,000 calories or nearly 30 pounds of calories a year.  Not having those calories obviously does benefit weight management then.

But there is a darker side to soda.  Though there is an association with an increase in cancer in labs animals with saccharin and aspartame (only due to extremely high doses), the American Cancer Society suggests that both are fine to consume in normal amount.  There are other issues with diet soda.

Research suggests that diet soda's artificial sweeteners do such a good job that the brain registers the consumption of sweetness and begins to crave more.  The concern then would be having an uncontrolled sweet tooth that does you in later when cupcakes or cookies are available.

Secondly, soda (diet or regular) has a low pH or is acidic.  The body wants to control acidity and be more neutral.  One of the main ways that it does that is through minerals.  Using minerals in the body increases alkalinity and pH back to normal levels.  The issue is that the body uses minerals for bones and among other things to create hormones released from the thyroid that control metabolism or how fast your motor runs.  A slower metabolism equates to less calories burned throughout the day.

For Lent, I gave up diet sodas.  210.0

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Stay the Course

I'll admit that the past week didn't go very well initially.  Busy and social lead to poorer eating choices. 

As it turned out, I was pretty active and didn't limit my calorie intake on other days and it turns out that my weight stayed pretty stable.  210.8

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Its a Breeze...Sometimes

Sometimes losing weight feels so easy.  Why?  I want to package that and give it away...Ok, I want to sell it really.

Right now my life is relativity in balance.  I am happy.  I am healthy.  I feel loved.  I am comfortable financially.  If I am low stress overall, it probably means that I have a better chance at creating new habits or releasing old, less healthy habits.

Find ways to make life easier and to decrease stress.  It will help with a lot of different areas of your life and wellness.


Friday, February 8, 2013

Social Troubles

So if there is a sweet young lady that I fancy, and we have been seeing each other for a couple of months, and we are in two different spots in life, then the relationship could become strained causing stress and anxiety for me.  Whether it is a significant other or friends or family, when your social health changes, there can be a strain on your physical health.  Especially if you don't have good coping mechanisms.

When stressed or sad, how will I react.  Double-fist pints of ice cream?  Luckily I don't drink or that might be a choice.  I hope to be diligent and stay on track, but under stress we tend to gravitate back to what makes us comfortable.  I don't want to gravitate.


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Defending Against Social Eating

Sadly enough, eating in a social environment has not been much of a challenge for me in recent years.  I work nights and weekends to make ends meet and that doesn't afford the normal perks of being social.  Reacently though, I have had that opportunity to hang out and do things.

The problem is that doing things turns into eating things, and those things aren't usually healthy.  I need to work on eating early in the evening as well.  Eating calorically dense food closer to bed time will not get me to my goals.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

How's the Resolution?

Did you give up?  I hope not, but research suggests that most people have thrown away their goals. 

Most resolutions are labeled as "New Year's", yet we quit on ourselves after 1 month.  If you think about it, it really doesn't make sense.  Odds are that we have just come out of a full season of holiday eating, if not years of bad habits, and expect that we can turn it all around.

Then at the slightest sign of failure, we bail!

Don't give up.  Give yourself time to find the new normal.  The path will have many ups and downs, but it doesn't have to end.  You can do it, just as many others have.  You aren't weak...you're impatient. Stay with me here.  I need support on my trip!


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Next Challenge

How did yesterday go?  How was lunch or breakfast?

You know what?  It doesn't really matter.  Next challenge or meal or exercise session is a new chance to have a victory! Go and claim it!


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Weekend Challenge

Have you ever seen "Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade"?  There is a scene where "Indie" has to choose among dozens of chalices for the cup from the Last Supper.  When someone chooses incorrectly before "Indie", the Holy Grail's guardian watches the chooser die and says, "You choose poorly".

I had a lot of opportunities to choose poorly this weekend.  And while I was not perfect, I did choose realtively well and even declined a couple of options for junk food or late night eating.  This might be a tad bit dramatic, but choosing poorly will end up causing a manifestation in a physical form.  Higher risk of chronic disease and premature death are highly related to poor eating choices.

The guardian says to "Indie" moments later, "You have choosen wisely", the Grail is defined as bring about infinite youth.  The parallel to food choices can continue as choosing wisely can help our bodies stay young.  Heck if nothing else, Sean Connery is 80 someodd and playing a major role in an action film.  I bet he "choose wisely".


Saturday, January 26, 2013

Worth the Gamble?

I cannot promise that training for a marathon and improving your conditioning as you train will automatically get you into your 80s.  But just as you are quietly celebrating the fact that you don't have to jog or do cardio, there is a flip side to that concept.

If you smoke, consume more than your share of alcohol, eat too much junk food, or live a sedentary lifestyle, I cannot tell you that you are only going to make it to 50.  But research does tell us that every unhealthy choice does complicate end of life health and increase the "risk" of disease.

The tricky part could be that you don't feel any effects of the choice, but that in small ways your health is changing.  It may be just at the cellular level, but change is indeed happening.  With most health challenges, a otherwise healthly lifestyle and strong immune system can benefit us.

Just ask yourself is the habit of __________ (fill in the blank) worth it?  If the habit isn't worth it,  then why do it at all.  Is early death or lower quality of life in your 50s, 60s and 70s worth it to play in your 20s and 30s.  Is it worth the gamble?


Thursday, January 24, 2013

One Step Back Can Still Lead to Two Forward

I didn't have a great day yesterday.  I ate out twice.  I forgot that I had scheduled lunch with a friend and ate breakfast tacos earlier in the day.  The scale was up one pound today.  Ok, this is fixable.  The last thing that I should do is to throw my hands up and quit. 

Instead, I will be focused.  Today has been pretty good.  I got some exercise in with my students.  I am expecting to see a drop tomorrow.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Respect is Key for Longterm Success

Managing my weight is such an interesting study.  I wish that I understood it better.  I do know this though, I must remember to respect the process.  That could be taken two different ways.

1) The process itself should not be changed or abbreviated.  It can be slow, but that is actually good.  Losing weight too quickly can be a problem for managing the loss.  Fast weight loss can even make loose skin a bigger issue.  The process is frustrating, but that makes it worthy of my focus and time.

2) The process it not easy.  There are sometimes when I am locked in fat seems to melt in measurable amounts daily.  But I need to make sure that do not trivialize or minimize any result.  In 6 months, life could change courses and make weight management more difficult again.  I tend to get cocky and think that I can do it whenever I want.  For 15 years that wasn't true, and it still isn't today.

Respect brings honor.  I will honor my fat loss by keeping myself thinner and healthy.  I will honor my children by being a good healthy role model.  I will honor students and readers with honesty and encouragement.  I will honor my God by keeping good stewardship over his gift to me.  I will honor myself, because I deserve to live long and disease free.


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Adapting to Exercise

I was working with a client yesterday and had to give her the news that it was time to go up in weight for a particular lift.  She had gotten strong over the previous weeks, and I explained that she would no longer see a benefit in growth since her body had already adapted.

Of course, this was bad news.  More weight equates to harder struggle when lifting.  But this of course is not a negative.  Instead, it is very much a positive.  First of all, if your body has adapted and can lift more, you have become functionally stronger.  Secondly, if you are stronger then your work is paying off.  And lastly, the fact that the next lift will be tougher only mimics the fact that the previous weight was tough previously.  So this is not a punishment, but a reward for the body!

Monday, January 21, 2013

The Process Works

Since I have finally been able to focus on what needs to happen and have had less stress and distractions, I have been able to lose weight.  Relatively easily at that.

Last week, I only ate out 2 times.  I only ate late 1 time.  I stayed active, but I didn't exercise.  Not because I am shying away from it, but I have not simplified my schedule that much.  The result is a 3.5 lb loss.  The last 2 days, I have eaten Tex-Mex to fullness and eaten late after trying not to eat a late dinner after a busy day.  Even with those challenges, I gained back very little. 

I am very encouraged and pleased. 219.8

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Good Day, Bad Results

There are many ways to gauge how your body's health is changing.  We mostly think of weight, but others might be more important.

Body fat is a better determiner of health than weight.  It is also a more exact way to measure the composition of the body.  The more body fat we carry the more risk our health is in.  We could also look at sleep, energy, seeing more definition in the body, the way our clothes fit, etc. 

The scale can be useful, but is too often the only consideration.  Figure out what your body composition is and then work to improve that.  My goal is to be below 20%.  Right now I am at about 25%.  I can improve it by either losing fat (not simply weight) or adding muscle.  By the way, both would be best.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Building Momentum; Losing Fat

2 strong days hardly equates to consistency, but I am glad to greet this short-term success.  Eating smart and staying active definitely equates to healthy living and in my case a release of excess fat!


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Finding Balance

Balance calories, nutrients, substrates, sleep, etc.  Just trying to be more balanced has improved my week.  I am more alert and feeling better.  Yesterday was a good eating day.  Today has been better.  The key is preparation and planning.  I went to a convenience store to use the restroom, and feeling guilty, I decided to buy something.  I got a V8 Fusion.


Monday, January 14, 2013

What's Hard about Losing Weight

Is it more Physical or Mental for you?  Research would suggest that it is probably more mental.  The fatigue of fighting against our will or our innate logic can wear a person down.  Maybe it is the thought of the long term? Or simply the negative feelings that we bring to the table?

Be strong mentally, that is the key.  Be ok with being uncomfortable or hungry or sore.  Learn to tell yourself no or to stop eating.  There is sweet victory in these small battles.  When you gain confidence and focus, the entire process seems exponentially easier!  We can do it.


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Why not Now?

I am not sure what the difference is from last year to this year, but it is much more of a struggle.  For whatever reason, I didn't have to really try last year.  I didn't crave junk foods or have hunger control my decisions.  This year, I am being led through each day by my belly.

Today has been better.  Hopefully, I can build from today.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Diet Plan that Improves Your Health

Don't panic or reach for a shortcut!  Find the plan that truly promotes heath while losing weight.  Do your due diligence and ask questions, get on the internet, etc.  Don't simply look for a blog (never trust a blog) or a website that says what you were hoping to see.  Look for a site that is giving a differenting view.

Long term activity and balanced eating is the structure that research suggests works best for long term loss and maintenance of weight loss.  Don't give in to an easy short-cut.  Long-term they probably won't lead to the results that you want.  Think long-term but act short term!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

What Foundation can I Count on?

As the New Year has begun and I turn to another chapter in my life, I feel that I need to reflect on what brings me the most success.  Without trying, I can think of five things.  I feel that healthy weight management comes down to the main issues that I can always go back to.  Looking back when these areas are attended to, I am most balanced in life and in health.

1.  Planning my meals.
2.  Planning my activity.
3.  Walking closer to God.
4.  Not eating, or minimize eating after dinner.
5.  No Fast Food for convenience.

I am ready.  Really ready.  I am excited.  It's like I can feel the change and can envision the results.  I want to get there today!  But tempering that enthusiasm with realism = balanced motivation!  220.2

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Great Beginning Point

I cannot tell you how excited I am about the New Year.  I have a new schedule with more opportunities to balance all areas of my life. Let the games begin!
