
Are you struggling to manage your weight? Read on to see if my knowledge, successes and failures can help you. Please comment and pass along to anyone who you think could benefit from this Blog. Be Healthy!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

How's the Resolution?

Did you give up?  I hope not, but research suggests that most people have thrown away their goals. 

Most resolutions are labeled as "New Year's", yet we quit on ourselves after 1 month.  If you think about it, it really doesn't make sense.  Odds are that we have just come out of a full season of holiday eating, if not years of bad habits, and expect that we can turn it all around.

Then at the slightest sign of failure, we bail!

Don't give up.  Give yourself time to find the new normal.  The path will have many ups and downs, but it doesn't have to end.  You can do it, just as many others have.  You aren't weak...you're impatient. Stay with me here.  I need support on my trip!


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