
Are you struggling to manage your weight? Read on to see if my knowledge, successes and failures can help you. Please comment and pass along to anyone who you think could benefit from this Blog. Be Healthy!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Too Much Too Soon?

Today I weighed in at 224.6.  There is probably no way that I should be having this much success.  My calorie intake, or net,  has been pretty low.  I am concerned that too few caloires and I might be causing harm to myself.

Without enough food, the chances that I am getting all of the nutrients I need is slim.  I may not realize in the short term that I am not getting a particular nutrient or groups of nutrients, like vitamins.  But long term, I could be causing real damage...Just ask the 17 yr old who has been living only on chicken nuggets and is now being treated for mal-nutrition.

The second concern is that without enough intake, I might be accidently slowing down my metabolism.  Long term, that is a true concern.  I want my metabolism to always be as high as possible to be burning as many calories per minute all day long.

The other thing for me to consider is hydration.  My scale has a reading for that and mine was down.  I expect that my weight will be up in the morning.

I guess it is a good problem to have, but I really want to make sure that Health is my focus and not just a number on a scale.

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