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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Paula Deen - Where did it all go wrong?

Well, it starts with calling butter "little sticks of smiles and happiness".  I wonder how happy she is now.

Diabetes is a very dangerous disease that can ransack the kidneys, eyes and blood vessels, among other tissues.  The are numerous types.  Generally, you hear about type 1 and type 2.  Type 1 diabetes is a genetic issue.  Passed through the family, type 1 diabetes results in high blood glucose (sugar) levels due to low levels of insulin. 

Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas to help move glucose into cells for usage as an energy source.  Without insulin, glucose levels increase and stay elevated.

230.2 this morning.  Almost to the 20's

Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle result.  Generally, it is attributed to poor diet and low activity levels.  Eating refined foods and or junk foods can quickly raise blood glucose levels.  The body's resultant behavior is to release insulin.  However, after calling "wolf" to often the body becomes resistant to insulin and the blood sugar still stays elevated.

Ms. Deen has type 2.  The queen of southern, butter laden cooking with refined carbohydrates has been allowed to teach us how to be unhealthy.  Then she kept her habit born illness from us.  It is too bad that she has an illness.  It is more unfavorable that others might be just behind due to her calls for  "moderation".  Is it her fault that others might be unhealthy? No, but integrity would have an individual stand up and do what's right to warn others and not keep shoveling out poor choices.

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