
Are you struggling to manage your weight? Read on to see if my knowledge, successes and failures can help you. Please comment and pass along to anyone who you think could benefit from this Blog. Be Healthy!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Water Makes Plants Grow, Bellies Shrink

We have probably heard how important water is for the body's functionality, but it is also an ally in weight loss and management. 

In the heat of the summer, good hydration can improve the body's function and even more importantly keep us alive.  If you are exercising ourdoors, be sure to drink before your exercise session, during the session (esp. if it is an extended session) and rehydrate afterwards.  The old story that we all need 8-8 oz. cups of water a day, is really untrue...we need more and that's if we are resting.

You can drink too much water and cause water intoxication or hyponatrimia, so you do have to be careful. But under hydrating the body will cause a reduction in perfomance if you are running for a time or performing in a sport.  Being dehydrated also stresses some of the body's systems, including temperature regulation.  The idea is to drink to keep from being thirsty and keep the urine clear. Once you feel thirsty, the body is already dehydrated.

When exercising, water should be the rehydrant of choice.  However, if you are exercising longer than 60 mins your body will need a boost of electrolytes.

So for weight loss, water can keep you safely performing for longer buring that insultaion you have.  But water can help us even more than that.  If you drink water, 1 or 2 cups before a meal, it fills the stomach and makes it more difficult or uncomfortable to stuff extra food in there.  The decrease in calories will help to trim your daily total and your waist line.

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