
Are you struggling to manage your weight? Read on to see if my knowledge, successes and failures can help you. Please comment and pass along to anyone who you think could benefit from this Blog. Be Healthy!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

How fast can you consume/burn 2000 calories?

One of the biggest issues with the American waist line is the overeating at a meal.  We eat portions that are too large.  We use dishes that are too large.  We eat until it hurts.  Guilty :(

Today I celebrated America's independence by gluttoning myself over BBQ and sides.  Eating an American meal in the American tradition, packing food in.  It was tasty, it's a holiday, family was involved, I deserved to splurge.  You choose the excuse, they can all be used legitimately.  The problem is that they are excuses.  People who are fit and healthy don't make the choices that I made today.

Those who are fit and have a healthy diet don't gorge or it they do, it isn't on such high fat foods like BBQ'ed meats and the normal sides.  They seem to have the proirity of eating down.  They eat for fuel, not for the reasons that I purposed.  They know when they should stop and aren't hurting and napping afterward.  In fact, they may be looking for what time would be best to go for a walk or run.  They have a mindset that I want.  They have a healthy relationship with food, mine is abusive.

Here's the problem with socially overeating.  We eat too much and still want to eat later (result: too many daily calories stored).  We eat too much and the body cannot use them all, so it asks for the extras to be stored.  We abuse the sugar control system of our body and it refuses to work overtime (Type II Diabetes).  We have to learn how to be mindful of our eating.  Control it in the moment.

The one thing that I might be able to do to make it through today without gaining is to graze for dinner and make sure to burn calories today.  The math is unfair.  It can take only 30 mins or so to consume 2000 cal, but it would take 15-20 miles to burn.

Ask yourself, does greasy food really taste that good?  Is there something else we can do to celebrate besides eat or drink?  Doesn't my family need me healthy for many years to come?  Don't I deserve to be healthy and feel and look better?

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