
Are you struggling to manage your weight? Read on to see if my knowledge, successes and failures can help you. Please comment and pass along to anyone who you think could benefit from this Blog. Be Healthy!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Jack Frost: You don't know Me!

Winter weather is definitely here.  Colder temperatures, freezing precipitation and a built in excuse not to exercise!

Don't let not exercising or being activity be your only option.  Think of projects around the house that you have wanted to conquer.  Keeping the body moving will keep the engine burning fuel.

Do body weight exercises indoors.  Push-ups, pull-ups, dips, lunges, heel raises, chin-ups, and core movements (crunches, planks, bridges) can hit most major muscle groups.  If you cannot do some of these moves with your body weight, they can be modified so that some of your weight is distrubuted.

We can also dress for the weather.  Layering is very important.  There are three main layers to consider.  The under-layer (one closest to your skin) should be a silk or synthetic fiber that wicks or pulls moisture away from the skin.  This helps to retain body heat as you sweat.  The middle layer is all about insulation.  Cotton, wool or fleece are great insulators.  Finally, the exterior layer should keep the environment out.  Wind resistent or water resistent or both are considerations for this layer.  Don't forget appropriate gear for the head, neck, face, ears, hand and feet.  Done right, it feels great to conquer the elements and your waistline in one effort!  Either way, just keep going!

Today, my weight was done to 233.8

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