
Are you struggling to manage your weight? Read on to see if my knowledge, successes and failures can help you. Please comment and pass along to anyone who you think could benefit from this Blog. Be Healthy!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Have a Healthy Respect (Fear) for Food

Wait, I didn't type the title correct.  Right?  Yes, it is correct.  Respect the power that habits have and the possible consequences of not changing at all or releapsing.

Odds are that most of you reading this have had an unhealthy relationship with food at one time or another.  I've been there.  It doesn't seem like a big deal.  Everyone eats what I eat or how much I eat or when I eat or why I eat?

Research has shown how food has addictive properties.  Sugar, for instance, has shown the same reaction on the brain as hard drugs like cocaine.  It may seem like a silly thing to compare, but would you do a line of coke because your sad or bored.  Hopefully not, but we should have the same thought process about food.

Not only should we not cope with stress using food, we should not eat high sugar, high salt or high fat foods period.  We are asking for trouble.  Especially if we are trying to stop the habit carousel.  I didn't have the best weekend eating.  A bad meal on Friday and one on Saturday.  But that turned into craving more on Sunday.  Maybe it was a coincidence, but I respect food not to fool myself with self-talk like "Just one more time" or "I'll start tomorrow".  That day might never come!


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