
Are you struggling to manage your weight? Read on to see if my knowledge, successes and failures can help you. Please comment and pass along to anyone who you think could benefit from this Blog. Be Healthy!

Friday, July 5, 2013

What if I fail?

Defining failure is a difficult and deary task.  Many of us that are trying to manage our weight have had ups and downs.  We have probably all seen some degree of success, even if temporary.  But when is it that we actually fail.

Today, I had a past client email me a reply from an email that I sent more than a month ago.  Her main reason for the delay is that she wanted to find or create some positive news before contacting me.  I have felt that way.  After losing weight in the past and then regaining it, I ignored friends and social opportunities so as not to dissappoint those who had previously cheered on my victory.

Silly really.  But human nature I suppose.  If you are searching for accountability, you won't find it hiding from those who love and care for you. 

My beard is a symbol that I am not where I want to be, but I have not quit.  For quitting is failure!


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