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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

To Meat or not to Meat

I heard about an interesting documentary Forks over Knives.  It talks aobut how we eat too much meat.  One question that can arise is whether or not we should be vegan.
My personal opinion is that whatever humans did to survive for the past 5,000 years (besides the last 100) we should do. In my mind, we were given a world in which we could thrive. As hunter gathers, meat was a luxury and not a meal to meal staple. We grazed on what was at hand. Agriculture and domestication changed how we live, but we still tended to build meals the same way.

It is even suggested today that we do a better job of building a meal around whole grains, fruits and veggies and then meat gets the tiny left over area on the plate. I agree that we tend to consume too much animal protein. That by itself can be detrimental. I don't feel that we need to purge animals from the diet however.

That being said, a vegan existance can be healthy. You do have to plan carefully and eat very balanced, as you might lack a particular amino acid. Animal protein does not have that issue. I know some strict vegans that have to supplement Vitamin D and B12 (I think). Also, iron can be more difficult to get without red meat.

It seems then if too much protein is harmful and not enough can make you have to supplement, balance is the key. Myplate recommends 5-6 per day of lean meat (including the cardio protect Omega-3 in fish). It seems that the preserving, processing, and short cuts we take are the real issues.

Lastly, it was interesting that you used the term American (because that is what the doc taught). In most cultures, though I am not sure, meat is a part of the diet. The healthy Mediteraen Diet has poultry and fish, but in limited amounts. The only large culture that I know of that thinks differently is the Indian culture and their boycott of meat is a religious choice that has been established for generations and not based on research.

Let me know what you think, including my Hindu friends. :)  204.8

1 comment:

  1. I still believe that "everything is okay in moderation". Including meat. One of the most truest statements I've ever heard fall from your lips, ride up my body, and nestle itself inside my ear. Granted, there are better choices that need to be made, but if you just have to have a piece of meat, I don't seem the harm in having a little serving. I believe you CAN have your cake AND it eat,too....in moderation.
