
Are you struggling to manage your weight? Read on to see if my knowledge, successes and failures can help you. Please comment and pass along to anyone who you think could benefit from this Blog. Be Healthy!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Why Wait?

Today is the new.  Don't wait for a magical day.  It can be unhealthy to wait.  Not only to wait to make healthy choices, but we tend to make the "last" of our unhealthy choices as well.  How much weight will we gain before we begin to lose.

Your journey, my journey needs to be focused on health.  Health cannot be procrastinated.  I can wait to be more attractive or thinner.  I have waited already, what's one more day.  Your body needs you now!


  1. Can you write everyday. I need a daily motivator. I set out goals for when I want to be a certain weight by. For example, I would like to lose 3 pounds a week for 6 months to reach my goal weight. However, I have been planning this for 3 years. Ha!

    It's hard to eat "healthy". It's hard to eat healthy when you feel like no one in your life around you is taking the same step. It's hard to eat healthy when you don't know how to cook lean meat (me) lol. But your right. Waiting for a miricle to happen is unhealthy and unlikley.


  2. Dear R, I will be more consistent. I hope that you come back and visit soon. I accept the challenge and that helps to motivate me :)

  3. Thanks, I appreciate the kind words.
