
Are you struggling to manage your weight? Read on to see if my knowledge, successes and failures can help you. Please comment and pass along to anyone who you think could benefit from this Blog. Be Healthy!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Accountability and Responsibility

The new Healthly People 2020 lists personal responsibility as one of the major factors in improving health.  Each one of us needs to begin to assume personal responsibility for our choices.  I need to stop blaming a schedule or lack of sleep, money or hosting family or friends.  All of these things definitely challenge new habit formation, but ultimately I get to choose.  What/Who are you going to stop blaming?

I made a commitment to myself that I was struggling to monitor, so I made it more public.  I want to be at 200 by 12/12.  It is the day of finals for one of the colleges I teach at.  I owe the students if I cannot practice, literally what I preach/teach.

I will need to lose 29 pounds, as of this morning.  This gives me 10 weeks to lose 3 pounds per week.  That is a little aggressive, but totally do-able. I could use any positive thoughts and prayers.  They don't need to be public, but support is always welcome.  Here is the plan:

- Use the accountability of Loseit.com
- Stay below 50 gr of fat per day
- find 20 mins of activity per day
- walk 3 miles 3 days per wk
- bicycle 10 miles 1 day per wk
- swim 20 min 1 day per wk
- lift 2 days per week
- flexibility 2 days per week
- start going to group ex classes (1 at least per week)
- get more F/V in the diet, that is a struggle
- take multivitamin / fish oil supplement

Go on the journey with me.  Make your own list.  We can change.  We can succeed.  Others have, why not us?  We have forgotten or lost what we can do and talked ourselves into what we can't! Stop it! The lies need be said no more!  The truth is that we are in control.  We simply must assume it.  Failure only happens when we quit.  So don't fail.


  1. I too would like to lose 3 pounds per week until my birthday next May. That would get me back to my highschool weight and my body would be in better shape to dance more aggressively again.

    Starting goals. . . let's see. . .

    - Drink tons of water everyday
    - Eat a plate of vegetables at least once a day
    - Walk 3 miles a day 3-5 days a week
    - Take at least 1 Hip-Hop class a week
    - 30 push-ups a day
    - Do the plank at least 2-4 minutes a day
    - Stretch at least 20 minutes a day
    - Stop snacking on JUNK period
    - Start recording my progress

    This of course isn't enough to help me lose 3 pounds a week, but from where I stand right now it would be a huge improvement!

    My goal is lose to 16-24 pounds by January 2012. We seem to have a similar path. Hope you don't think I'm stalking you. I just can't find many people eager to be healthy and I need some accountability!


  2. Nice goals. Careful with the 3 lbs a week. Most suggest that number is too aggressive. If you can't keep up, it feels like failure.

    Be specific with your goals. Give a number and a time to be able to check it off every week. Let me know how you're doing.
