
Are you struggling to manage your weight? Read on to see if my knowledge, successes and failures can help you. Please comment and pass along to anyone who you think could benefit from this Blog. Be Healthy!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Struggles Mar the Pathway, but the Solution is Reachable

I have struggled continuing my habits.  I have seen it in myself and many others; you let down your guard and think that a day or two or even a week of being lax won't have a great impact on your weight or success of reaching your goals.  Well the weight part might be correct, you would have to eat terribly for a handful of days to do some real long term damage to your weight. 

However, neglecting your habits in the short-term could really damage your ability to reach your goals or maintain your progress.

This is where I currently am.  I am struggling to continue the consistent work that I did in May, June and July.  In August, I didn't worry about the details as much and ate out more and allowed myself some fast food and more treats than usual.  Unfortunately, that short term change has derailed my consistency enough that I am having a hard time doing what I did just 2 months ago.

The struggle is real.  Hold tightly to your healthy habits.  If you waver, get back on track asap.  Don't keep the perpetual lie of "I do it tomorrow".  Tomorrow seems to never come. 

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