
Are you struggling to manage your weight? Read on to see if my knowledge, successes and failures can help you. Please comment and pass along to anyone who you think could benefit from this Blog. Be Healthy!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Shaving is the Key

It has been a whole week since the last post.  I think that I am getting somewhat complacent with my recent success.  I forget if I have updated this or not, but since I reached my goal of 200 pounds (and kept it off for a couple of weeks) I shaved.  Though I haven't lost any weight within a couple of weeks, I am now getting all kinds of comments.  It seems that the more linear face is catching peoples' eye and then they really notice that I have lost weight.

It is definitely easier to tell that I have changed.  I just don't want to stop the habits.  People have continued to ask what I did, and my answer seems silly.  "I just behaved and did what you are supposed to do."  It's true, if we all just did what we know is healthy...but it is just not that simple.

For whatever reason, it was good timing for me, I had high accountability, I was sick of living this way...All of the above and more?  The one thing that I never did was stop trying.  There were certain areas of my eating that I did not focus on, but I never stopped believing that I could lose weight!  Where would you be if you kept trying? 198.4

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