
Are you struggling to manage your weight? Read on to see if my knowledge, successes and failures can help you. Please comment and pass along to anyone who you think could benefit from this Blog. Be Healthy!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Can you Make the Uncomfortable Comfortable?

Exercise is uncomfortable.  So is being hungry!

If you are trying to change some of your habits, you might have to learn to be ok with uncomfortable.  But then, things happen.  When I first started to focus on my eating and losing weight, I needed to be ok with being hungry.  Not the kinda where you feel light headed, but just the abdominal hunger pangs.  My body needed to learn to change; it's cravings and it's timing.

So now I eat less and less often, and it's not really that big of a challenge.  In fact, it is more of a challenge to make myself eat what I used to.

I also know what it feels like to feel stress or pressure on the body when it is used to laying around and not doing much.  But we have to push through that and allow our body to be overloaded to a new challenge.  Without that overload, we would never see adaptation or change in the body.

Basically, you have to be ok with being uncomfortable.  I didn't say pain, but just stress or pressure of weights in your hand or deeper breathing.  Most of the uncomfortableness is in our mind.

The next time that you try something new or wait to nosh, focus on your physical feelings.  Are they really physical or just a mental hangup.  Pressure is new, but not necessarily painful.  Can you develop an appreciation for how your feel, and the fact that your are overcoming it.  It feels powerful to know that you can do something that never seemed plausible!  You can get there!

Be sure that you consult a doctor before starting a new exercise program.  Pain can happen with exercise and activity, be sure to listen to your body when it talks.  Just don't interpret it incorrectly without basis.  198.6

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