
Are you struggling to manage your weight? Read on to see if my knowledge, successes and failures can help you. Please comment and pass along to anyone who you think could benefit from this Blog. Be Healthy!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Manage Habits not Weight

It has been a very small sample size, but the last week has been great.  I still have my kids so I have stayed busy between them and work.  I haven't had the time (priority) to exercise.  I have been trying to save freetime to hang with the kiddos.  The result is balance.  I have eaten better, been active and lost weight.  Today I weighed in at 225.8.

I work 6 different part time jobs for a total of near 60 hrs per week.  On top of that I am in my car getting to or going home from work another 16 hours a week.  I don't have to be a parent on most days, so I am only worried about the daily events in my life.  I tell you all of this to suggest that habit management is crucial to healthy lifestyles.  If I don't plan well, I get hungry.  If I don't have food with me, I will go find it.  I try not to have to make decisions on the fly, but the night before or the morning of.  I want to plan meals and snacks that are healthful options, low calorie, low fat, low sugar, high fiber, etc.  It can be time consuming, but not more than trying to burn off silly calories on a treadmill :)


  1. My trainer just told me about your blog. I have been using a trainer for 18 months. I was 120 lbs overweight and have lost 20 lbs. My trainer started working on cardio conditioning first and I have finished my first 5K power walk two months ago.
    I swim 1/2 mile 3-5 times per week and have completed 2 one mile sessions recently. I regained focus two months ago and have set a goal of 5 lbs weight loss per month and have lost 10 lbs in the last two months.

    Do you have any suggestions that might encourage me?


  2. Tim, It sounds like you have done well with staying after your goals. You should be encouraged by the fact that you are pushing yourself to new levels of fitness and that you are developing new goals that are being reached. One step at a time, don't get lost in the big goals. As I am sure your trainer has told you, losing that much weight comes with an adaptation in eating habits. Continue to fine tune and new successes will be found.
