
Are you struggling to manage your weight? Read on to see if my knowledge, successes and failures can help you. Please comment and pass along to anyone who you think could benefit from this Blog. Be Healthy!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Feeling Really Good!

It has been a really good 3 weeks.  I have lost close to 10 pounds.  I am eating pretty clean and have increased my activity greatly.  I am sleeping well and have decreased my stress as well.

I found the switch.  It has been relatively easy to go back to my healthier lifestyle.  It is such a different place to be in.  Three weeks ago, I was battling at each meal.  Choices were haunting me; I couldn't get any sustainable healthy habits together.

The impetus for change was a workplace weight loss program.  It was literally a quick switch in mindset.  It shouldn't have mattered, but it did.  And, now here I am after 3 weeks of all around healthier living.  It feels really good!


Friday, June 10, 2016

Renewed Vigor

I haven't been blogging lately, but it is not because I am not on track.  I have actually have a great 2+ weeks of healthy habits.  It has just been a busy season, which makes the short term process an even sweeter success.

I wish that I could describe my feelings of excitement, resolve, and sense of doing.  I really feel good and focused.  I have found the switch.  I have mentioned this before.  While losing weight or increasing strength or improving fitness are all a physical thing, they are all born from a psychological place.

Behavior management is where things begin.  That is where the switch is.  Man it feels good.  I have a radio show called Health Matters.  It is part of a bigger show on 620 AM in the Dallas/Ft. Worth market.  You can hear it on Fridays at 6 pm.  The first Friday of every month the show's full hour is focused on wellness.  Listen in if you get a chance.
