It has been a tough year. I have struggled through break-ups and worrying about family members. I have fallen off and lost site of the wagon. Bad habits out paced healthy solutions. My weight is up and my health is challenged by a combination of the stress, eating, lack of movement and poor sleeping. There is nothing on that list that is surprising or new. Once again, life has happened and my weight gain has been a casualty.
All of that said, I have conquered those choices, those habits in the past and I will do it again. I started today with a renewed focus.
This blog is about the ups and downs of weight management from the vantage point of someone with knowledge (2 degrees in Kinesiology) and less than perfect genes. It's about creating healthy habits. Read the first post to see how the inspiration of this blog began. Please comment or ask questions.
Are you struggling to manage your weight? Read on to see if my knowledge, successes and failures can help you. Please comment and pass along to anyone who you think could benefit from this Blog. Be Healthy!