It is frustrating not to understand the "why" a little better, but I am losing weight efficiently again. It has been 2 years since I have felt this at ease with my diet and even more with exercising. There have been stresses, and job changes, and "ex" issues, and new girlfriends; you know, life has happened. And it has gotten in the way of my goals! - really, I allowed it to get in the way.
But as of right now, I am very happy and content. I am pretty much living without stress and in a really good and balanced place in my life.
I started a new job in December, and since that change I have chosen to change things. Starting on December 16th, I have lost 10 pounds. It has been almost a month, so that is not a huge weight loss number, but it did include the Holidays. And momentum is building!
What can we accomplish in the new year with our health and wellness? Nearly ANYTHING! 220.2
This blog is about the ups and downs of weight management from the vantage point of someone with knowledge (2 degrees in Kinesiology) and less than perfect genes. It's about creating healthy habits. Read the first post to see how the inspiration of this blog began. Please comment or ask questions.
Are you struggling to manage your weight? Read on to see if my knowledge, successes and failures can help you. Please comment and pass along to anyone who you think could benefit from this Blog. Be Healthy!