
Are you struggling to manage your weight? Read on to see if my knowledge, successes and failures can help you. Please comment and pass along to anyone who you think could benefit from this Blog. Be Healthy!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

When to eat Big

Never if possible, but it you are going to have a large meal or one that is calorically dense, it is better to have it at lunch.  You have a better chance of using those calories during the day or finding time to schedule some activity to balance your daily calories.

Yesterday I had a big lunch, but ended up balanced for the day...tasty victory.


  1. I recently read an article on the importance of incorporating a cheat meal into the diet:


  2. Question. . .

    I can see why the biggest meal shouldn't be at dinner. . . but wouldn't the best time to eat big be at breakfast?

    Anytime I eat a large lunch ALL I want to do for a few hours is sleep, or do nothing. Lunch usually determines what kind of day I'll have. If I eat right at lunch I have energy and get a lot done.


  3. Those in weight management use the phrase non-resttrictive diet. This does not mean calories. Those need to be restricted (to a point). Instead, we talk about food choices. We should not restrict a food group, like some fad diets would require. But we should also not restrict individual foods. Use common sense, you should not have pizza everyday...but the choices that we make should be not drastrically different from what we do long term.

  4. R, great question. At breakfast, our metabolism is not as high as it is during the rest of the day. The body is not prepared to use a lot of calories. Great job of being able to understand your body with a large lunch. We should never truly overconsume, but the larger meal better suits the middle of the day than at the end. The reason that you are tired is the influx of insulin trying to control the increase in blood sugar. At least you are still moving about though. After dinner, most of us don't look for ways to burn calories.
