
Are you struggling to manage your weight? Read on to see if my knowledge, successes and failures can help you. Please comment and pass along to anyone who you think could benefit from this Blog. Be Healthy!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Shortcuts are not the Way

I recently met a young lady that told me a story about her friend.  We have all seen numerous billboards and commercials about the great results that someone can reach with bariatric surgeries.  Gastric bypass, lap-band, gastric sleeve, they are do about the same thing.  Without going into details, the procedures shrink the volume of the stomach, so that the feeling of being full happens sooner.  Less food in, less calories in.   This leads to a negative caloric balance and weight loss.

Habits need to be changed as well.  Hopefully they are getting that help as well.  One thing that is not discussed on these billboards, malnutrition.

My new friend's friend who was 28 and supposed to be in the prime of her life, passed.  She died.  She was very heavy and had a gastric procedure done.  It did not sound like she had the same success that others who have given a testimonial did.  What she did have was malnutrition.  That is why lowering caloric intake to an extreme level is not recommended.  Now the official cause of death for this individual was heart failure.

There are some lessons to be learned from a 28 year old young adult whose lifestyle didn't allow her to live a full life or a long one.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Its not about Time

Well, it is about time that I get back in the groove.  My busy schedule has finally opened up.  I can schedule sleep and activity and food prep.  So I am back at it. 228.6, bearly maintained a reasonable weight during the difficult times.

I had scheduled myself for my third half-marathon, before getting busy.  So yesterday, I went out without training and completed my worst time.  So, what.  This time out, it was about finishing.  I actually felt the best I have during any of the three races.  My heart rate was pretty high for me, so there was not going to be any extra pushing. 

I have said it before, we are so adept at talking ourselves into what the body can't do, when it is designed for so much more.  What's your next challenge?  My is getting across the room without moaning :)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sick of Bad Choices

Getting closer to having my life back after a tough stretch of work related issues.  I feel more lethargic, GI track isn't very happy, not sleeping as well.  I am ready to focus on my fitness again.  Weight is up again.

It is never a sprint, always a long term comittment. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What is Failure?

I am not happy with my current status.  I have been floating between 223 and 226 for the past 2 weeks.  I have been extremely busy with the beginning of school and the on set of a project.  I am trying to stay focused, but the longer my schedule is disrupted, the more I want to deviate from the plan. 

When it comes to habit formation and adherence, it seems that success is found in times of predictability and low stress.  Not to belittle this particular concern, but if you can think of someone that you know that has tried to stop drinking or smoking, it seems that the wagon drives on without them as life gets difficult.  Without stress, we would be less likely to reach for our coping mechanisms (hello pizza). 

But I am failing.  It's my blog and I say "no".  Now I feel better.

Seriously, I need to adjust my goals for activity, weight loss, number of times eating out, but I don't want to consider it a loss.  It shouldn't be a loss.  Losing is stopping.  I am not stopping.  I am simply changing my focus, pushing back a timeline.  I will still get to my destination, just not tomorrow.

The scale says 224.8.  Maintain, stay so what active, let the storm pass, and then get after it.