
Are you struggling to manage your weight? Read on to see if my knowledge, successes and failures can help you. Please comment and pass along to anyone who you think could benefit from this Blog. Be Healthy!

Monday, August 29, 2016

Behavior Management 101

After a great June and July where I lost over 20 pounds, I have struggled in August putting about 5 pounds back on.  It has been really difficult to maintain my decision making.  I find myself effortlessly talking myself out of a healthier option.

The interesting thing was that I didn't feel stressed, nothing was out of kilter.  I just wanted to "treat" myself for some reason.  Not for a meal or a day, but for about 2 weeks, I have struggled with this particular battle.  As I was driving from Braum's with my fast food booty, I was analyzing why I was so driven to choose that food, when a week before I was soundly in control.

My answer is not important, and I am not sure that I even found it.  But it is critical that if I or you or anyone struggles with control of choices, we need to understand the why.  Food can clearly offer mood enhancement and even release dopamine for some "feel goods".  But why do I need that mood boost.  If I understand why, I am more likely to be prepared next time.

Today I packed my lunch and dinner.  I ate a healthy snack.  Today feels good and that feel good lasts longer than a fast food meal. 240.6